Magnetic Muse Monthly Gatherings

Activation, Synergy and Sisterhood

After the incredible turnout for the Magnetic Muse Activation, many of you requested we meet again. We're excited to announce that we will be offering Magnetic Muse as a monthly offering. Our next gathering will be on Fall Equinox on Sept 22nd at 10AM PST / 1pm EST.

A Space to Fully Embody Womb-Led Leadership

Magnetic Muse is an activating space for woman looking to create and align to their Magnetic Muse in true sisterhood. We’ve created a sacred space designed for women to connect, create synergy, and ignite sisterhood.

Expect powerful activations, alchemy, and a sharing circle that will leave you feeling inspired and empowered.

We gather monthly for 90 minutes on the second Sunday of every month.

This is more than just a monthly gathering —it's a movement towards womb-led leadership, and aligning + living from a deeper heart-centered space.

We’ve set up Magnetic Muse as a $60 monthly membership, which you can join in and out freely.

Membership includes access to an exclusive WhatsApp group community for integration, synergy, and fostering deeper sisterhood connections as well as as first dibs and member discounts on our new offerings, including future events, gatherings and courses.

*We are committed to making this an inclusive space for all women. If you wish to join us, but have financial limitations, please reach out to us.

Watch the Full Experience from our free Magnetic Muse Gathering


“You’ve really cracked the code on accessing a deeper knowing in ourselves and in the wider world.. It is unique and needed medicine for women navigating the place of change on the planet right now.”


“First, thank you for creating and holding such beautiful space. It was the first time I experienced the spaciousness of you and Farah's guidance, and it was miraculous to feel the physical effects as the energetic shifts were taking place. Thank you...”

Dates for Monthly Gatherings

Magnetic Muse Gatherings happen on the second Sunday of every month at 10AM PST.

September 20, 2024
October 13, 2024
November 10, 2024
December 8, 2024

Your Facilitators

  • Farah Siddiq is an Afghan-American tech founder, teacher and healer. She’s the CEO and Co-Founder of a startup called iAscend, a social marketplace for holistic health and healing experiences, where wellness is right and not a privilege.

    She is trained in three forms of energy healing: Usui Reiki, Angelic and her own method Cosmic Reiki combining astrology and energy medicine. Turning wounds into medicine is her expertise. She has worked on clients who have been terminally ill, in transition life to death and have had severe PTSD. She’s taught hundreds of people reiki and has had thousands of people transform through her healing workshops.

    She knows firsthand how important it is to embrace your highest incarnation, and not to suppress your vision for the world no matter how outlandish it might seem. The only way to be a conduit for the infinite power of the universe is by aligning your actions with your inspiration and letting the energy flow. Of course, the highest power any of us can channel is the power of love, the power of compassion, and no matter how high our aspirations take us, we must never forget that we are here to serve. Starting with ourselves, it is our responsibility to treat the world with care, build a more compassionate community, and move forward together in unity.

  • Melina is a mentor, energy alchemist, flow-state facilitator and marketing strategist for conscious tech companies.

    Melina has a unique ability to get to the core of “stuckness” and growth blocks quickly, and transform these into ideas and impactful action. Her work is to to awaken the best in the human spirit and cultivate the extraordinary potential that exists in us all.

    Having transformed her own life through a healing 5-year journey that took her around the world, she guides others to access their inner sovereignty and self-trust so they can lead from a place of love, harmony and joy.

    Melina fuse business background (she’s an MIT MBA alum with over 20 years of executive marketing and consulting experience) with her eternal curiosity and passion for ancient wisdom, energetics and metaphysical studies. She incorporates her training in various modalities including Reiki, Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, Health Coaching, We-Flow, and Ceremonial Cacao.

Are you ready to alchemize, activate & co-create with us?

Let’s co-create a world where heart and womb led leadership can shine. We look forward to co-creating and elevating with all of you Muses!